jueves, 5 de abril de 2018

I flip, you flip, he flips. Let's all flip! (English)

Hi again everyone

On this ocassion I wanted to share with you my first impressions on this newly discovered model ( or at least, for me) called Flipped Classroom. 

If I'm 100% honest with you, I had heard of this methodology before, but I didn't know what it entailed exactly. It is clear that it is an innovative model and it obviously is very motivating and appealing for most of our students since, when introducing this model in our classrooms, what we are really doing is speaking their very same language: new technologies. 

However, I am still a bit sceptical about its benefits. It is evident that both students and teachers must have a basic knowledge and command of the new technologies in order to be able to complete with relative ease the given tasks at home, but how to make sure that all students manage to view and undertake them? Implementing this model in our classrooms implies a great commitment on behalf  of both students and families, who would be our perfect allies, but to what extent are today's parents ready to become involved in this type of tasks?

On the other hand, if we carry out these activitites in and out of our classrooms, what we are doing is increasing our students' use of mobile phones and tablets and promoting their technological addiction. Are we not just unhappy enough with our students overusing technology and spending too much time looking at screens?

Having said this, I have to admit that I would be more than willing to put this pedagogical concept into practice just to prove myself that it does work, but I do believe it is essential to train ( again) the whole educational community in the right use of the new technologies.

Here's a very clear and descriptive video on how to implement this model in the classroom and why to do so.

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Coevaluando...que no es poco

Buenas de nuevo Flippers En esta entrada quería hacer una pequeña reflexión sobre el taller de coevaluación de este bloque.  Me ha ...